As we discover the records of Edmodo we are able to discover what this tool is, how it was constructed, who is responsible for this tool, quiz help how it’s been used so far. Edmodo is exam help modern way through which academics quiz help scholars can attach. Edmodo, exam help deepest micro running a blog platform, was developed to be used in the lecture room by teachers quiz help students. Edmodo provides lecturers quiz help students the ability exam help share notes, links, quiz help files examination help foster communique inside quiz help external of the lecture room. Teachers also have the ability examination help post alerts, assignments, quiz help events exam help share with their students. Edmodo is owned, operated, created, quiz help funded by Jeff OHara quiz help Nic Borg. Balan MsciEd Bio 2One of the feelings I gained in the course of the Seminar Lecture Session is the vital task of schooling sector exam help the fulfillment of countrywide advancement goals as embraced in the countrys development plan. Acquiring abilities via education has become an vital aspect for countries exam help prosper quiz help compete. The utmost significance is laid on best quiz help lifelong studying, from early early life advancement examination help tertiary learning. The top of the line capability of each Filipino young person exam help actively participate in countrywide development quiz help enhance his first-class of living can only be accomplished by editing their competencies quiz help skills that will lead them exam help have exam help more meaningful quiz help productive lives. In the Philippines, the common aim quiz help goals of education have been cited in the National Constitution section 32, Article XIV of the Constitution. These goals were transformed into academic policies which formed the legal bases in primary quiz help secondary education framework.