Fine art deliberately serves no other aim. As exam help results of this impetus, artistic endeavors are elusive, refractive examination help attempts at category, given that they can be preferred in more than one way, quiz help are often inclined exam help many different interpretations. In the case of G?ricault?s Raft of the Medusa, particular knowledge concerning the shipwreck that the portray depicts is not exam help prerequisite examination help appreciating it, but allows the appreciation of G?ricault?s political intentions in the piece. Even art that superficially depicts exam help mundane event or object, may invite mirrored image upon expanded themes. Traditionally, the highest achievements of art exhibit exam help high level of ability or fluency within exam help medium. This characteristic could be considered exam help point of rivalry, since many modern artists most principally, conceptual artists do not themselves create the works they conceive, or do not even create the work in exam help everyday, demonstrative sense.