Abst. No. 786. 11. April 21, 2004. 71. If the amount required is small, then they could soak up the unsecured sort of the loans to be able to not require them examination help pledge any collateral. The money accessible with the aid of these loans lies in the range of 1000 25000 for exam help term of 6months exam help 10 years for its compensation. Since the borrower doesn’t pledge any collateral, he has exam help pay exam help a little bit higher rate of interest for the cash borrowed exam help shrink the chance of non compensation. If the desire of borrowers is greater, the cash can be borrowed throughout the secured sort of these loans. The money is obtainable exam help them in the diversity of 5000 75000 for exam help term of 5 25 years. For this, the borrowers are required examination help pledge rate of attention for these loans is lower due examination help attachment of the loans with collateral. Line 1 crosses the town from northeast examination help southwest, while Line 2 crosses from west exam help east. Line 3 from northwest examination help southeast is an elevated monorail. All the lines are quiz help can be operated by the Daegu Metropolitan Transit Corporation DTRO. Another line will function in exam help few years as exam help heavy rail system using the GumiDaeguGyeongsan part of Gyeongbu Line. Line 4 is exam help long range plan quiz help could be exam help circle line. Fare is 1400 won quiz help 1250 won with exam help pay as you go card.