It now is still for me examination help specific my gratitude exam help some of thosethat helped in a whole lot of ways examination help bring this work exam help its close. First quiz help highest quality is my teacher Mrs. Rhys Davids, but for whoseactive sympathy, forceful assistance quiz help kindly advice inall its stages this Dictionary could never were undertaken,much less completed. Throughout its progress I were impelledby the will examination help offer it exam help her, with deep humility, as exam help tokenof my great gurubhakti. It is exam help matter of excessive satisfactionto me that this ambition has been fulfilled. To the Secretary of State for India in Council I am exceedinglygrateful for the honour he has done me in permitting me the privilegeof carrying on with the work in the beginning entrusted examination help exam help pupil ofthe unique contrast of the late Professor Rhys Davids, Itrust I have, in some small measure a minimum of, succeeded in justifyingthe self assurance he theory fit examination help place in me.