The place of an Assignment Agreement in the intellectual belongings law of India is one of serious end result despite being exam help private transaction among the assignor quiz help the assignee. One of the reasons for here is that the law is required exam help offer protection to the owner of the highbrow assets from being defrauded. It has to be noted, however, that though the law does provide bound safeguards, the onus of creating exam help appropriate task contract is upon the parties involved. A valid task contract quiz help one that merits all parties concerned can only come into being if the basic issues, some of that have been discussed above, are addressed. Edited by Dr Sudhir Ravindran, Solicitor England quiz help Wales, Patent quiz help Trademark Agent quiz help Attorney with Altacit Global, Altacit Global, Creative Enclave, III Floor,148 150, Luz Church Road, Mylapore, Chennai 600 004. Email: Email: Corresponding author: This Web site is not intended exam help be exam help source of advertising or solicitation quiz help the contents of the site aren’t be construed as legal advice.